funny pics and images updated daily

Handy corkscrew

Handy corkscrew

When you use a corkscrew to open up a simple bottle cap then maybe you shouldn't be drinking anything else.

My wheelbarrow

My wheelbarrow

Just make sure you weren't moving oil inside the wheelbarrow before having a seat.

Inmate of the month

Inmate of the month

I guess every parent has something to be proud of.

Infinite power

Infinite power

This way the current goes round and around. Unlimited power!

1/3 of our budget

1/3 of our budget

I can tell you right now how much goes into your math budget.

Damn pigeons

Damn pigeons

Looks like I've come across the most evil pigeon there is.

Pregnant with WiFi

Pregnant with WiFi

You are only allowed to sit here if your baby has a built in WiFi connection. Otherwise it's back of the bus for the rest of normal pregnant women.

Sleevery must be stopped

Sleevery must be stopped

Good guy Lincoln must abolish the sleevery business.

Social interaction limit

Social interaction limit

Let's not get too personal with our relationship, OK? I believe that you reading my mug is enough for one day.

Money tissues

Money tissues

Now you can blow your nose into 100 dollar bills so everybody can see how totally rich you are.