funny pics and images updated daily

Just a ride

Just a ride

Dont worry mate, nobody expected you to be gay just for riding along on a bike with a friend.

Eaten traffic sign

Eaten traffic sign

This is what happens when you leave your traffic signs unattended for too long. Trees start eating them.

A close nail

A close nail

Looks like my heel just had a near death experience today.

Using your head

Using your head

No more empty hands to grab these packages? No worries, I've got a steady and flat head.

Mystery excursion

Mystery excursion

Want to take the mystery train and see where you end up tomorrow? Hop on in if you dare.

Break the rules

Break the rules

This guy is definitely going to jail for disobeying this traffic sign. Endangering other people's lives is no laughing matter.

Just sleeping

Just sleeping

Just in case you were wondering I am in fact just sleeping. No need to call an ambulance and wake me up in the middle of my beauty sleep.

Repairing plant leafs

Repairing plant leafs

Fixing broken leafs has never been easier. Just grab a used toothpick, add some transparent duct tape and voila. The leaf is as good as new.

Best salad ever

Best salad ever

The recipe for the greatest salad you have ever eaten in your entire life is this one right here. And we have got all the required ingredients right inside our pizza restaurant.

Lord Voldemort's coffee

Lord Voldemort's coffee

Everybody needs their coffee in the morning to get started. Even the bad guys.