Today I learned that hot boxing a mid sized sedan is a proper way to clarify what a smell smells like.
Valentines is approaching so you better prepare your thoughtful gift for your significant other.
So let's not be too judgemental on this one, she's only taking a glass per day. There's no harm in that.
What a great idea for next Christmas. If you really hate someone, this is the perfect gift!
Well, that's a really beautifully written apology. Surely it must have taken at least half an hour to draw. Oh...
What do you do when it's too cold to serve any juicy steaks? You use your skills for other efforts!
Looks like we now have action figures for old people, with old people.
This practice will definitely get a lot of clicks and traffic on the web. Nailed the headline!
I understand the bacon part, but the #whoremembers one? Is that a question or just some shady members?