funny pics and images updated daily

Blocked park path

Blocked park path

Yes, clearly that will hold off everyone that used to take that path.

Walk of fame

Walk of fame

Oh look, our cat is an asshole. And he also likes stretching all over our new sidewalk.

Happy beating

Happy beating

Today I got beaten up by the police pretty badly, but at least they were having a good time so I'm happy for them.

Pig truck owner

Pig truck owner

And also looks like he goes out with girls that are a little on the modest side of proper spelling.

Tire repair

Tire repair

It's either duct tape or bolts. What would you rather rely on?

BBQ lava

BBQ lava

No need to waste all this heat for nothing.

Rain hate

Rain hate

I simply cannot stand in the rain. I always take an umbrella wherever I go, whatever the circumstances. No exceptions.

Cheap kitchen

Cheap kitchen

We got this built for a fraction of the cost. Hope it still stands within a month.

Pass-through power lines

Pass-through power lines

Seems like that tree doesn't like to get electrocuted.

Better than nothing

Better than nothing

A hand job is better than nothing. And we have those rugged gloves that will make it even more interesting.