It sounds kind of creepy but it's true. That's what women do on Pinterest.
Hey pal, you're really doing it wrong. Jogging should be about running, not procrastinating.
Arghhh... I really know much more about Harry Potter than American History. Bad boy Potter!
Sometimes I really feel I should use this repair kit for my computer. Rarely but still...
I really can't blame the sharks, they're great fellows, it's not their fault.
You're right statue, not bad at all, not bad at all...
Tell me... why so nutritious? Just tell me now!
I shall call him Long-Feet Baby. He'll be a champion athlete.
Well, that happens when Old Car Guys get sent to Nurse Home. It really does happen.
So... someone has pooped on your carpet. How does that make you feel? Angry? Nervous?