funny pics and images updated daily

Meet Jack Mehoff

Meet Jack Mehoff

Jack made it to the news again. This time Heywood Jablome has a competitor.

We need Jesus

We need Jesus

Jesus, please go to aisle 9, Jesus go to aisle 9. There is some leftover water that needs to be made into wine.

DIY fire extinguisher

DIY fire extinguisher

The old extinguisher always expired and needed replacement. Luckily, this bottle of water can bee replenished easily and cheaply.

Here for the violence

Here for the violence

I don't believe anything. I came here to see some good old fashioned beatings and some blood. I need adrenaline!

Making money from Facebook

Making money from Facebook

Take those 3 easy steps and you can be on your way to make millions.

Anti fat elixir

Anti fat elixir

Come right up and take our anti fat elixir. It's legit!

Wrong name

Wrong name

Well, there is no use wasting paper to write another name. Think of the trees!

Ana L.

Ana L.

Poor girl will regret the day she married Mr L.

Chain email revenge

Chain email revenge

I knew I shouldn't have listened to you and just forward that chain email back in '08. Now look how lonely I am.

Little black tie

Little black tie

This happens when you wash your tie one time too many.