funny pics and images updated daily

Racial discrimination

Racial discrimination

Well everybody calls me drunk. I can't help it. I didn't choose to be born Irish.

Chamele perfume

Chamele perfume

Didn't you hear about Chamele No 5? It's one of the most popular fragrance worldwide.

Do not animals

Do not animals

Make sure you not animals in this area. Many others have animaled here and it was beginning to be a problem. Let this be a warning to all these who want to animal in here.

Bath selfie

Bath selfie

Well ladies, this is how stupid you seem when taking a picture of yourselves right out of the bath tub.

Hangover in Australia

Hangover in Australia

Ever seen the morning after a big party down under? Well, it ain't so pretty.

Frozen car

Frozen car

This might be nature's way of saying not to go out today.

Programmer definition

Programmer definition

Ever wondered what a programmer really is? Ever seen one function with no coffee? Well, there you have it.

Auto school fail

Auto school fail

Probably the one thing you don't want is a picture with somebody crashing into your auto school spread across the Internet.

Movie subtitles

Movie subtitles

Never adjust the volume while watching a movie with subtitles. Ever.

Push and pull

Push and pull

Try to push, then try to pull and then try the actual entrance. After seeing that locked door you may bother to actually read our sign with opening hours.