funny pics and images updated daily

Hair goes here

Hair goes here

Just imagine that some hair is here and walk away.

Tyson's car

Tyson's car

Looks like Mike Tyson took his Tesla for a ride today.

Squeezing heels

Squeezing heels

This is a clear way in which you high heels are telling you that you need to lose some weight.

Knock hard

Knock hard

We need to make sure we can hear you knocking, but not that hard!

Finding Chile

Finding Chile

Anyone know where we can find this Chile on the map? Oh, there it is!

Bears trafficking

Bears trafficking

Those pesky bears have upgraded to dealing drugs lately.

Old school bathroom selfie

Old school bathroom selfie

It took me way more time to get this picture than I would be comfortable sharing.

Gadot or Gastripe?

Gadot or Gastripe?

She is definitely a dot girl. Stripes will certainly not work as well.

New barber

New barber

Just make sure that the haircut comes out perfect. Otherwise there might be a bit of... consequences.

Sealed lips

Sealed lips

I hope she is not too mad at me and giving me the silent treatment after that little lip balm - super glue mistake I did.