funny pics and images updated daily

Changing the wheel

Changing the wheel

Just imagine seeing a little girl driving this and ending up with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. Good luck!

Snow angels warning

Snow angels warning

Looks like someone learned the hard way what goes on in a dog park and what you might be able to find under the white snow.

Track replacement notice

Track replacement notice

Good luck catching the right train and going home tonight!



We will need another crane to lift that crane that is lifting this crane. Yes, that's perfect!

Bad guy

Bad guy

I'm as bad as it gets so I will certainly be the one you like.

Scumbag neighbor's dog

Scumbag neighbor's dog

Looks like he saw me going to bed so he started his late night neighborhood podcast at max volume.

Santa got beaten

Santa got beaten

Make sure you don't get drunk and end up in a bar fight the night before your scheduled Santa job at the local mall.

Dog lover

Dog lover

I just wished he would rub my back like other humans do. This is getting ridiculous.

Everyone hates grandma

Everyone hates grandma

She didn't want to assume our group's signature position so she's an outlander now.

Broken chair

Broken chair

Let's place a useless sign so that in case some dumbass sits there we won't get sued!