funny pics and images updated daily

Squeezing heels

Squeezing heels

This is a clear way in which you high heels are telling you that you need to lose some weight.

Alcohol workout

Alcohol workout

So the gyms are closed, but I can still get my workout while having the best beverage out there. Win-win!

5000 banana elevator

5000 banana elevator

Good thing this elevator was designed to bear a full horse. Otherwise how could I bring my own to the top floor?

Children are people

Children are people

Our studies have confirmed that children are people too. That is just in case you were thinking that kids do not add weight to the elevator.

Cleanup on aisle 4

Cleanup on aisle 4

And this is what happens when producers fill their bottles and don't leave any air in there. Chaos!

Heavy hat

Heavy hat

That is one hell of a heavy hat you got there.

I lost weight

I lost weight

This is the "after" picture I've been wanting to see.

I'm gainin' it

I'm gainin' it

Weighttttt, I'm gainin' it, lalalapapa. Feel the wisdom, hahah.

Women and weight

Women and weight

Two women talking about clothes and weight. What could be more boring? But actually, he told a great line, hahaha good one!

Goodbye diet

Goodbye diet

Goodbye my diet, hello my food. Yeah, ain't that a kick in the...stomach?!