funny pics and images updated daily

Trolling with style

Trolling with style

Hmmm... how heavy am I? Pretty mu....GO RUN!

Weight loss

Weight loss

Slim Fast, it really makes you a stick, hahahahh. It'll get your weight off.



I want to loose some weight but on the other hand, doughnot! Hahahah. INCEPTION!

Diet spoon

Diet spoon

I'm sure you will love this spoon, you will loose weight instantly after starting using this spoon for eating.

Running away

Running away

Running away from problems helps you, it makes you loose weight, helps you evade zombies and helps you with so many other things.

How to troll your wife

How to troll your wife

Yeah!!! That's awesome but it's at your own risk, hahah. You might get to sleep on the streets.

Lost weight?

Lost weight?

You must be proud to have lost that much weight

Loose weight while eating

Loose weight while eating

From now on you will be exercising even before you put anything in your mouth.

I got this

I got this

You have to start early on if you want to be a heavyweight champion.

I can see a face there

I can see a face there

Another advice: if you are trying to lose weight don't show your belly until you actually lose weight.