funny pics and images updated daily



Well.. if you look closely, you'll see that it's just water, heh.



Oh my.. excuse me young man!



This is funny, but actually, I would love being over there, I really would.

Show must go on

Show must go on

Drink up pal, show must go on, we'll clean the water later, gimme another 50.

I lost my apetite

I lost my apetite

Let's just skip lunch, I don't like what's on the menu today.

Diet water

Diet water

Nowadays water comes in 12 flavors with 10 different colors. So there is a real need for a diet water.

Hammock in paradise

Hammock in paradise

In the morning you will have an awesome wake up call. You'll get completely wet.

Smoking like a boss

Smoking like a boss

Screw this flood, I'm not taking a single step until I finish smoking.

Two finger squirter

Two finger squirter

Taken out of context this could very well be a totally different toy.

Water slide fail

Water slide fail

Hate to break it to you, but your kid really sucks at water slides.