funny pics and images updated daily



Looks like Lady Gaga is not so original after all. It's all vintage actually.

I got a gun

I got a gun

You might want to keep your distance from this lady. No need to be close if she decides to feel threatened.

Ms. Dog

Ms. Dog

Oh hi Ms. Dog, how are you? Ham fine, thank you!

Like a lady

Like a lady

Not quite a lady but still, hahahahah.

Lady and Tramp moment

Lady and Tramp moment

This is a classic lady and tramp moment but... still awkward. WTF did I just see?



If aliens would come on Earth, only with Lady Gaga as a leader we'd have some chances to survive.

Entering the train

Entering the train

Now that's how a lady should enter the train like a boss.

Anti Halloween

Anti Halloween

Everybody has to protest about their critical problems. Take this old lady: Halloween is not funny.

Strong granny

Strong granny

You think you can take me, son? I'm working out 7 days a week so be prepared.

Saturn was not a single lady

Saturn was not a single lady

Trying to be a smartass with the teacher? Sounds like she got the witty response.