funny pics and images updated daily

I need a fast food cake

I need a fast food cake

Happy birthday, keep this balanced diet for the remainder of the year and you'll get to the doctor in no time.

Burger schnitzel

Burger schnitzel

I need a huge schnitzel, but also a burger. I don't care, make that work!

The burger bikini

The burger bikini

Not sure you would be the most irresistible women by wearing this but surely you can try it out.

All day until 1pm

All day until 1pm

Welcome to McDonalds, where our marketing team has no idea what "all day" actually means.

Burger with cheese

Burger with cheese

I asked for an extra slice on my burger. Did not expect to be taken literally.



Ever had a hard time deciding whether you need to order a pizza or a burger? We have you covered!



Best friends forever

Best friends forever

Once our cow became friends with the neighbour's pig they became inseparable. The next week we wanted to let them be together so this was the only obvious solution.

Laziness level pro

Laziness level pro

If you are too lazy to hold your food in your hands you have just been promoted to the pro league.

Leave the clown alone

Leave the clown alone

Leave that poor clown and come dine with a real king.