funny pics and images updated daily

Fast corn eating

Fast corn eating

Although efficient, this looks too gay to even attempt.

Tunnel painter

Tunnel painter

This is what happens when we don't recognize talent from a young age. He could have been a famous painter instead of chasing road runners all day long.

What a disappointment

What a disappointment

All right, I'm about to see some action on Chatroulette. Oh, not again!

Superman selfie

Superman selfie

Ever wondered how the Superman posters are made? Well now you know.

You go black

You go black

Once you've been to Africa, you ain't coming back.

Perfect aim

Perfect aim

This guy doesn't need any hands for the job. He has perfect aim.

Somewhere it's tea time

Somewhere it's tea time

At any time, somewhere is 5 o'clock.

Why must we do it

Why must we do it

When sexy times need a motive simply use this handy chart and come up with one.

Chair crack

Chair crack

You probably need a bigger pair of pants or to eat at a restaurant with different chairs.

Bearded Batman

Bearded Batman

It kind of makes you wonder what Batman might look like during no shave November.