funny pics and images updated daily

Found Wile E. Coyote

Found Wile E. Coyote

Why fix a bent when you can add an awesome sticker like this?

The Monster Machine

The Monster Machine

Probably Scooby Doo would run if he ever saw this Mistery Machine on steroids.

Pole for the sign

Pole for the sign

Why do we pay these people to hold up signs?

Plastic bag

Plastic bag

May I get one of those plastic thingies that you can place stuff into? I will make sure to dump it responsibly in the ocean when I'm done with it.

Your target

Your target

Next time try to be more specific when giving instructions to the new guy. He tends to take things literally.

Peter Griffin exists

Peter Griffin exists

Did you ever wanted to meet Peter Griffin from Family Guy? Here he is!

Tunnel painter

Tunnel painter

This is what happens when we don't recognize talent from a young age. He could have been a famous painter instead of chasing road runners all day long.

Direct Zoidberg

Direct Zoidberg

Remember Zoidberg, you need to take it slow the first time.

Childhood ruined

Childhood ruined

Guess the producers didn't bother to make the cartoon at least partially plausible.



Yay! I found it. Mine, mine, mine. YESSSSS!