funny pics and images updated daily

Ladder transport

Ladder transport

So how are we going to take this ladder home? Just place it in the car? Are you sure it will fit in?

Ass ride

Ass ride

One of the reasons I hated when dad took me out on a bike ride.

Prom invitation

Prom invitation

And this is how you invite a fat chick to prom. Guaranteed to work 100%.

Bikini and panties

Bikini and panties

Women have a logic beyond logic when it comes to bathing suits and lingerie.

I used to be cool

I used to be cool

You kind of feel sorry for the guy.

Windmill only

Windmill only

The windmill can turn. The rest of you guys cannot.

Photoshop level: disaster

Photoshop level: disaster

Look at my giant muscles. And my incredible Photoshop skills.

Forever engineer

Forever engineer

When I was little I always wanted to grow up and work with models. This is not what I was expecting.

Good personality

Good personality

I wonder what happened with the script for Sleeping Good Personality and why did they decide to go with Sleeping Beauty.

You shall not pass

You shall not pass

As a teacher, I am in desperate need of this.