funny pics and images updated daily

Exams & parties

Exams & parties

I need to pass this exam, but I also need to have a social life. So why can't I have both then?

Study definition

Study definition

Any student will eventually have to agree with this definition. We should even petition to change it in the dictionary.

Panic and make deals with god

Panic and make deals with god

Stop panicking and wishing you had studied before. God is now your only hope.

New study

New study

Imagine that. Women really do talk more then men. Who would have ever dreamed of that?



Indeed, studying is one of the most powerful things that causes sleep. Trust me.

Studying with friends

Studying with friends

The difference between expectations and reality when it comes to studying with your friends.

Spontaneous napping

Spontaneous napping

Studying can cause spontaneous napping, it's true, trust me!



The difference between expectations and reality. Always happened, always happens, always will happen.

Study too hard

Study too hard

Are you studying too hard? If you are passing out like this then yes, yes you are.

Any questions?

Any questions?

No wonder everybody was reluctant to go to this class.