funny pics and images updated daily

Password alphabet soup

Password alphabet soup

That one time when security went too far.

Burial gone wrong

Burial gone wrong

Looks like cremation was the final solution.

Lady, wait!

Lady, wait!

This chain of events starts peacefully but gets disturbing quite fast. I feel sorry for the chicken.

The tri…car?

The tri…car?

What would an engineer with half a car, half a bike and too much time on their hands do?

Full body armor

Full body armor

Can’t wait to see this guy trying to clear the security check at the airport.

Covid status updates

Covid status updates

Good thing you had your opinions posted all over the place. Now we know who we will hang out with.

Behold, asshole marks

Behold, asshole marks

Let’s take a look and analyze these markings. Yes, clearly assholes have been here.

Middle of the forest

Middle of the forest

When you want to live in a natural environment but don’t have enough cash to purchase your own forest.

Not dead plant

Not dead plant

We’re not dead, we just like to act like it. Please purchase us!

Tiny fart show

Tiny fart show

We have a really tiny fart available for you to enjoy. Get your ticket now!