funny pics and images updated daily

Wind in my hair

Wind in my hair

I gave the plumber clear instructions. He delivered.

Age restricted

Age restricted

Have you ever clicked on the confirmation that you were at least 18 years old but weren't?

Weak security

Weak security

Have you ever used the admin/admin combination for securing accounts? Well this is what it actually looks like from the outside.

Pretty good car

Pretty good car

The door opening is a great feature and you've certainly heard this expression countless of times. Why not have options? Why not have doors opening in your way?

I make a dime

I make a dime

The toilet poet strikes again! This time we're learning about finance and effectiveness in the corporate world.

Secrets from your sister

Secrets from your sister

This brother sister relationship is getting out of hand. Guess the city!

Global warming snowman

Global warming snowman

Global warming isn't such a big deal! We can still carry on with our usual winter traditions and build our snow... puddleman.

Rental car

Rental car

So I took a rental and after driving for 2 days I noticed this. Might explain all the honking that I've gotten so far from other drivers.

Unnecessary necessities

Unnecessary necessities

Come right in and give us all your unnecessary cash for these unnecessary items that you need. Or not.

Corrections Department

Corrections Department

That's not even a bad logo to begin with. Clear, to the point and exemplifies their purpose. 10/10!