funny pics and images updated daily

Blurred face

Blurred face

This is why you should always double check the face blur provided by algorithms.

Paying taxes

Paying taxes

That's a really good reason to pay those taxes. I'm in!



You can't arrest me if you cannot handcuff me, right?

Today is my lucky day

Today is my lucky day

Probably started as his lucky day, definitely did not continue to be one.

I was made for this

I was made for this

Remember to make sure you don't get arrested while wearing your favorite shirt.

This really sucks

This really sucks

He was probably wearing this shirt and wanted to get in trouble just for somebody else to grab this priceless photo of him getting arrested.

Sorry cake

Sorry cake

Well there you have it. Proof that a cake will fix just about everything. Put this baby next to a duct tape and you are set for life.

Beer is my coffee

Beer is my coffee

It seems that saying this doesn't help very much.

Running with scissors

Running with scissors

Authorithies finally caught the man running with scissors. FINALLY!

Dog Arrest

Dog Arrest

You're under dog arrest. I saw you peeing on that wall, surrender!!!