funny pics and images updated daily

See the sun

See the sun

That's a nice piece of writing right there, but it lacks some common logic.

Another angry letter

Another angry letter

I'm starting to feel like this neighbour an I will have a serious argument over those horrible letters he keeps writing me.

1969 was a good year

1969 was a good year

Seems that a lot of people really love 1969. There is a lot of demand for that year.

Wash hands with soap

Wash hands with soap

I don't get it. I've been following these instructions perfectly and yet my hands are still dirty. This soap thing sucks.

Don't tweet

Don't tweet

You better get out before tweeting about it. We know it's important to keep your followers posted, but be patient.

Dog controller

Dog controller

If only walking the dog would be this simple.

T hunnit and fiddy dollars

T hunnit and fiddy dollars

Whoever thought that you need to write down the number using words was not expecting this.

Racial stereotype

Racial stereotype

Are you an Asian studying in a foreign country? Why not try to fail a test once in a while. Prove that you are in fact just a normal person.

Tag the baby

Tag the baby

Looks like Facebook already detected you are pregnant. We should go ahead and setup a profile for the baby right away.

An angry bird

An angry bird

It's no wonder that this guy happened to experience this. By the looks of it he has been training for some time.