funny pics and images updated daily

Change my diaper

Change my diaper

My diaper is full, someone help me or I'll stay here all night long.

Real life Mona Lisa

Real life Mona Lisa

Finally I got to this famous museum where they insist there is a painting of myself.

Flirting with death

Flirting with death

Don't blush, Death. Everybody needs some flirting from time to time.

Batman S

Batman S

And nobody ever wondered why is there a big S on Batman's shirt.

Nice tan

Nice tan

Lesson learned: don't fall asleep on the beach with your phone on your body.

Trolling on the highway

Trolling on the highway

Stop tailgating me or you'll be sorry.

There are no secrets

There are no secrets

These authors have a personal problem with each other.

Chinese iPhone

Chinese iPhone

The best way to tell that your iPhone from China is not the real deal.

GI Jose

GI Jose

The Mexican hero we need has arrived.

Batman dentist

Batman dentist

Hard times made Batman consider getting a second job.