funny pics and images updated daily

Selfies for men

Selfies for men

Hello, men. It's time to learn how to make a selfie. Step one: you don't. That's it.

YouTube server management

YouTube server management

Ever wondered why the ads are loading so fast while the video cannot keep up? Well, now you know why.

Watching the colon

Watching the colon

I asked for the Colony movie but they gave me this documentary about colons with Laurence Fishbourne on the cover.

Super glue advertising

Super glue advertising

Be careful when dealing with super glue. One little drop and you are permanently sealed to anything. And they also bent the steel bar after all these years.

Bone facts

Bone facts

After a decade long study, scientists all over the world have concluded that the human body can indeed contain just enough bones to build a skeleton.

Perfect face tan

Perfect face tan

Remember to apply the sun cream evenly all over your face. Or else end up looking like this girl.

Cleaning the streets

Cleaning the streets

Got to keep everything nice and tidy in my hood. These streets ain't going to clean themselves.

Talk to your cat

Talk to your cat

This book should go in the "how to be creepy" tutorial aisle.

Looking great

Looking great

Probably those bathroom mirror stickers shouldn't be placed all over the place. Somebody might get a bad idea.

Black suspect

Black suspect

We are looking for a suspect. We know he is black. Give us some tips and we'll get right over and arrest this guy.