funny pics and images updated daily

Toys for all ages

Toys for all ages

Great placement, just make sure you don't enter the wrong store with your child. Otherwise it's going to be explaining time.

Super glue advertising

Super glue advertising

Be careful when dealing with super glue. One little drop and you are permanently sealed to anything. And they also bent the steel bar after all these years.

Learnin center

Learnin center

Hipsters must be accompanied

Hipsters must be accompanied

Unattended hipsters will be escorted outside the premises. Please look after your hipster if you wish to bring him here.

Alcohol, here I come!

Alcohol, here I come!

Now that I'm 18... I'll drink alcohol for the first time in my life..... LEGALLY, HAAA!

Good question

Good question

Not sure if I am depressed or just grown up. Autch... CORRECT!



We're adults... Arghhhh... When did this happen? How do I stop this?!



Now, you can understand how it feels to grow up, hahahahah.

Growing up

Growing up

Don't grow up, it's a trap! Trust the sign... been there, done that, true that.

Parking in rear

Parking in rear

Adult outlet: please park in rear.