funny pics and images updated daily

Truck painting

Truck painting

This guy sorely likes to get pulled over all day long.

Pop-Tart gun

Pop-Tart gun

That little boy should be thrown in jail for life. How dares he eat food in the shape of guns inside a public school? The nerve of some children.

Wizard setup

Wizard setup

Gandalf is getting ready to install your software, so just sit back and relax.

Drug effects comparison

Drug effects comparison

I'll just sit at home and watch TV all day. That's better than taking drugs.

Hug yourself

Hug yourself

No hugs for you little guy. Guess you got to go ahead and hug yourself.

Bad day

Bad day

You just know that it is the beginning of a bad day when your key gets broken in the lock.

Our bed

Our bed

The perfect couple for the perfect bed.

Wild animals forbidden

Wild animals forbidden

I understand fining owners of domestic animals, but who's going to be fined for any wild animals?

Gaga cosplay

Gaga cosplay

Getting dressed like Lady Gaga is becoming the simplest outfit anybody can wear. Just put anything on and you are instantly Gaga.

Energy drink

Energy drink

Time for the daily dose of pure energy.Just need to add some water.