funny pics and images updated daily

DIY high heels

DIY high heels

Don't have heels for the party? No worries, you can use these boots.

Negative people

Negative people

Wonder how come Albert's quotes end up on every bathroom stall...

Artist in the making

Artist in the making

Unfortunately she will end up being an engineer and not have to worry about making a living. Too bad.

Always open

Always open

We are always open, rest assured. Just not now.

Airport worries

Airport worries

So what are you worried about while going through an airport? Did you accidentally build a bomb?

Sex tape at work

Sex tape at work

You might want to check your phrasing before you end up with a 1on1 with human resources.

Missing my dog

Missing my dog

This dog is simply missed. And I'm the one missing him so... take notice... and... carry on.

We're in the same boat

We're in the same boat

Just relax guys, we're all in the same boat around here...

A hero nonetheless

A hero nonetheless

This conversation started great, but ended terrible.

Capitalism with covid-19

Capitalism with covid-19

We got you covered for anything related to covid-19: mask, sanitizers, thermometers, you name it! For the right price anything is available!