funny pics and images updated daily

Fashion fart

Fashion fart

We are working with fashion and art. Let's design our logo properly!

Save Santa the trip

Save Santa the trip

Since we are trying to save the planet and making people travel less, being naughty is the right thing to do for this year.

Middle finger haircut

Middle finger haircut

First of all, this looks like a good case for a permanent hair removal procedure. But yes, a middle finger will do.

Missing phone

Missing phone

How do you even end up in this situation? By what weird circumstance would your phone end up in your pants?

Eye removal sticker

Eye removal sticker

It's always recommended to have a layout of the bus before throwing in a sticker there. Bonus points if you are using a face and ketchup which can be easily mistaken for blood.

Gym bear bun

Gym bear bun

For the regular gym bro, here is a carb snack just for you!

Mexican Air Freshener

Mexican Air Freshener

Ever wanted the smell of Mexico in your car? Well now you can have it with this do-it-yourself mechanism. Just make sure you don't cry to much while driving.

Smiley buns

Smiley buns

Our baking experiment turned out to be a horror movie. Guess we won't be invited again to any children parties.

Hairy airplane situation

Hairy airplane situation

Loos like Karen decided to book a seat right in front of me. This will get to be a particularly interesting flight, especially when they serve our food.

Use uploaded logo

Use uploaded logo

I specifically asked them to use the uploaded logo. Looks like they took that literally.