funny pics and images updated daily

Dumb old door

Dumb old door

Next time don't get confused when looking at a dumb old door.

Blonde holding a microphone

Blonde holding a microphone

What are you looking at? It's obviously an omnidirectional mic.

CBS reporting its own videos

CBS reporting its own videos

Let's put a video in our article and then let's file a copyright claim against ourselves. Brilliant!

Dating explained

Dating explained

So the only way this woks out is if they are both smart.

It's his fault!

It's his fault!

That bastard did not take me to see Twilight. It's his fault I got drunk and crashed the car.

Circumcision prevents HIV

Circumcision prevents HIV

According to the enlightened minds that placed this sign, circumcision is the answer to everything.

Dumb & strong

Dumb & strong

I'm the village idiot who gets called whenever someone needs a hand.

Allergic to algebra

Allergic to algebra

Being smart is better than wearing a shirt that mocks algebra.

Types of ass

Types of ass

All the different smiley faces that represent asses.

Saving a video from YouTube

Saving a video from YouTube

There was no download button so I just recorded it with my phone.