Instant hot dogs
Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?
Getting the nails done
Now all the dogs in the neighbourhood will think ours is gay.
Poop factory
To me this dog is just a complex machine that turns food into poop.
Rainbow pudel
You are so cute, you look like a gay dog.
Found dog
Your dog is now like a brother to me. Don't come looking for him.
We can still be friends
I know your dog died,but we can still keep it for you. It will be just like old times.
It's not what it looks like
I was sitting here minding my own business when the blinds attacked me.
My babies, my babies
Well this is how you end up if you ain't got no kids.
Thad dog's got balance
The force of balance is strong with this dog.
May I eat this?
If it sits on your lap than it must be for me.