funny pics and images updated daily

Wear nothing

Wear nothing

Baby I want you to wear everything in this bag tonight. Yes, that's right.

Lost weight?

Lost weight?

You must be proud to have lost that much weight

Clothing advice

Clothing advice

Remember to wash your butt and keep this away from fire when wearing it. Sounds like good advice to me.

Awesome tip

Awesome tip

Wash clothes when they get dirty. Who would of thought of that?

Dumb Tom & Jerry

Dumb Tom & Jerry

Why spend the day naked and get pants when going to the beach?

Titty shop

Titty shop

Welcome to titty. Your source of some of the most fabulous clothes in the industry.

Wash when dirty

Wash when dirty

The first shirt that points this out. I had no idea you could wash them clothes.

Give it to a woman

Give it to a woman

A woman would surely know how to handle such a challenge. To the washing machine!

Do I look thinner now?

Do I look thinner now?

If I'm not loosing any pounds better get some thinner clothing.

