funny pics and images updated daily

Remember to flush

Remember to flush

Don't mess with Little Bill or you will regret it.

Horror sticker

Horror sticker

Just imagine finding this in the middle of the night while going to the bathroom.

Bathroom privacy

Bathroom privacy

If you are looking for privacy this is certainly not the best place to go.

Help, I'm stuck

Help, I'm stuck

Pull me out please, I don't want to stay here much longer.

Guess which is which

Guess which is which

Wait till daddy pees

Wait till daddy pees

What? There was absolutely no way I was going to leave my kid alone outside.

Ultimate dry

Ultimate dry

For people with 4 hands and in a hurry.

Wash hands?

Wash hands?

I could stay here all day

I could stay here all day

Ice bathroom

Ice bathroom

Did you forget the bathroom window open again?