Parrot skate park
What's the deal with parrots and skateboards anyway?
Dog hood
There better be not cats around here or we'll take care of them.
Snake tattoo
Now you can have your favourite pet with you at all times.
Well done, dude
Let's see what happens when I pull this string.
Lost cat
Don't ever return this lost cat. I'll even pay you to keep it.
Byte my ass
Poor zebra will loose its ass to the crocodile.
Yeah, I have an itch right there
How to spot a close relationship between a zoo keeper and the animals.
Animals might get sick
Think about the wellbeing of the animals before you offer yourself for dinner.
Any leftovers for me?
Since there's no grass around the poor cow has to find other sources of food.
Arr, where's me bone?
I hope it's Photoshoped and they didn't just cut the dog's leg.