funny pics and images updated daily

Taking the dog for a walk

Taking the dog for a walk

When you are too lazy to walk the dog just drive around.

I can't breathe you guys!

I can't breathe you guys!

Sooner or later someone's got to leave or we're all going to sufocate here.

It's our doghouse now

It's our doghouse now

The cats finally took over the doghouse. Someone's going to sleep outside tonight.

Bad hiding place

Bad hiding place

Somehow hiding behind a pole is not exactly a good idea.

Superdog costume

Superdog costume

Horses may fart

Horses may fart

Beware of farting horses. You wouldn't want to smell that!

Snail on a skateboard

Snail on a skateboard

Finally I can get where I want faster.

Leash bra

Leash bra

Remember to bring the leash or you'll have to use your own clothing.

Dog smile

Dog smile

Please smile while I take your picture.

Training your adopted dog

Training your adopted dog

My dog clearly doesn't want to be trained. Just look what he did to this cd I got for him.