funny pics and images updated daily

Not my job

Not my job

This pothole was supposed to be repaired 2 weeks ago. Not my problem now!

Proper target

Proper target

Good thing we aren't giving guns to everyone!

Space flavor

Space flavor

Want to feel the taste of space. Either place a vacuum in your month or get a CocaCola.

Loud environments

Loud environments

Looks like this baby is going to cause me some health problems. Should I report him?

TV priorities

TV priorities

We ain't got no roof, but make sure we have satellite coverage. Wouldn't want to miss the game this evening!

Sunny hill

Sunny hill

Just a simple walk across the road can take you from spring back to winter.

Blurred face

Blurred face

This is why you should always double check the face blur provided by algorithms.

Phone booths

Phone booths

I need to go somewhere and make a call. I won't be too long.

Death Certificate Request

Death Certificate Request

Great use experience. Make sure we leave all options available so that people won't be blocked.

Enter the wall

Enter the wall

It looks funny now, but imagine all the people that were involved in the paint job and installing the pedestrian sign. A great example of NOT MY JOB.