funny pics and images updated daily

Are you shy?

Are you shy?

Why aren't you talking to me? ARE YOU COMING HERE OFTEN I SAID!!!?

Street is closed

Street is closed

It seems like the street is closed. We're trapped! OH NO!

Bad Catnip

Bad Catnip

Dude... what's your problem? You gave me bad catnip!



Oh no, it's Onion again. He cut himself, great, we're all going to be crying again!

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner

The only thing scarier enough. Vacuum cleaner won!

Rebel heart

Rebel heart

Oh no, we've got a rebel badass. Toilet pwned.

Looks safe

Looks safe

Mmm... looks safe to me. Come on kids, sit over here. Good, good.

Girls, you have a message

Girls, you have a message

So... girls, listen up. Here's the difference. Haha, you should know this!

Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall

Oh.. it looks so safe, seems legit. Sure, sure.

Great place

Great place

I wonder who goes in there. So... I guess it's a great place after all.