funny pics and images updated daily

Smoking fish

Smoking fish

Those pesky fish smoke all night long. Let's not provide any buds, shall we?

Color the polar bear

Color the polar bear

Guess the guy who chose to include a polar bear in the coloring book doesn't watch National Geographic too much.

Eating like a boss

Eating like a boss

Don't have a kitchen knife laying around? Just grab that assault rifle with the bayonet.

Ex girlfriend's car

Ex girlfriend's car

Oh look, this certainly belongs to my ex girlfriend.

Useless door

Useless door

Good thing they put a door right there. You know, just so you have to open it.

Eye control fail

Eye control fail

Oh look, I found the twins. Right when someone was taking our picture.

Strong guy

Strong guy

This must be the world's strongest police officer.

I don't care

I don't care

Ever asked a friend where did he/she wanted to go out? Well now your default I DON'T CARE answer is a valid one.

Typical horror movie

Typical horror movie

She must get undressed. How can you check out a noise in the middle of the night in your PJs?

T-shit store

T-shit store

I believe you might have omitted a letter from your store's name. Just sayin'.