funny pics and images updated daily

Blind people are trains

Blind people are trains

If you can't read this sign then please go ahead and use the tracks. They're for trains and blind people.

Frosted flakes aren't great

Frosted flakes aren't great

Eating frosted flakes every day will make you look just like this tiger.

Sailing jeep

Sailing jeep

Owner obviously hasn't been to school or this jeep is really awesome.

Your girlfriend's shirt

Your girlfriend's shirt

Oh no! My girlfriend has been with this guy?

True paint fact

True paint fact

It may be wet, but it may be dry as well. The possibilities are there.

This is wong

This is wong

Poor wong. He is sometimes on many Levels.

Crack too expensive

Crack too expensive

That's right, you get turned in if you keep raising those prices.

Bad time to panic

Bad time to panic

By all means, roll the cameras and take out the spiders.

Obama was here

Obama was here

Being the president means that you can't even take a dump without someone marking it on the wall.

What happens off camera

What happens off camera

I'm guessing this doesn't include photos of Bear Grills eating.