funny pics and images updated daily

Looks like Denzel Washington

Looks like Denzel Washington

Such resemblance to Denzel, much wow. This guy can pose for a double and fool just about anyone.

Dog hanger

Dog hanger

Now you can use the toilet without needing to keep watch on your dog constantly. Just hang him up there and pick him up whenever you are ready to go.

Unfortunate address

Unfortunate address

Linda likes many things, especially her address for The Cock Inn.

Pew pew pew

Pew pew pew

The previous instructions were too academical for the average soldier, so we made things a little bit clearer for them.

Dedicated to my parents

Dedicated to my parents

Nobody seems to appreciate my work except my own parents, so this goes out to them.

Fixing pipes

Fixing pipes

There, all fixed. We'll just grab the ladder and go... damn! We've done it again.

Dog people walk

Dog people walk

That's because that damn dog needs to go poop outside twice per day. The cat can have its own litter box. I better exchange this dog for a cat.

Brink in the wall

Brink in the wall

I am very different than the rest of the bricks in the wall. I am special.

GoPro camel

GoPro camel

Before GoPro was invented, the poor camels used to carry around these.

Preparing the field

Preparing the field

No funds for planting new grass, so we'll just spray paint everything in green. Everything will work fine until somebody will rub his white shirt on this.