funny pics and images updated daily

Hairy screen

Hairy screen

Now I can finally sit back and relax while watching my favourite... someone else's hair!

Best time to get braces

Best time to get braces

Might as well make the most out of this entire quarantine situation. Bad breath? No problem! Braces? Count that in!

Bad shirt for the occasion

Bad shirt for the occasion

Honey, can you give me that new shirt for church this Sunday? Yes, that's the one!

Badass police

Badass police

Might not want to get into their way, at least for today.

Heavy duty bike

Heavy duty bike

Actually I'm quite impressed. Where did they get the bike from?

Scuba decal

Scuba decal

Why leave that old extinguisher lying on the wall without any context?

Weekly game

Weekly game

Let's see if we can survive this week's car trip again. Oh, and let's take the long way, to spice things up!

Pressure Relief Device

Pressure Relief Device

Well, that's one way to describe this complicated contraption. Hope you manage to make it work without a user manual nearby.

Just don't drop'em

Just don't drop'em

Imagine trying to get inside and making one small mistake.

Biting vs Kissing

Biting vs Kissing

So which one would you rather spend some time with?