funny pics and images updated daily

Farts plate

Farts plate

Great choice of license plate numbers.

Gas 404

Gas 404

Looks like gat was not found. And this goes in the books for another example of smart ass Tesla owners.

Send me one from the back

Send me one from the back

Oh, wrong number? Better play along with this.

No 4?

No 4?

Looks like someone in China had a shortage of 4s so they decided to improvise.

Spanish textbook

Spanish textbook

While learning Spanish there is absolutely no concern for teaching any real life logic. Basically any situation is fine.

Here's my license plate

Here's my license plate

If he's holding the license plate with one hand I hope the other one isn't holding the cellphone.



Meet the ultimate swag master. Ain't nobody got more swag than this guy.

Number 9

Number 9

Just in case the mailman is drunk again, we've made sure he'll see our house number.

Nice number

Nice number

A lot of people are choosing the funniest numbers, this guy made his number the funniest.

Fappin' in Virginia

Fappin' in Virginia