funny pics and images updated daily

Restroom look

Restroom look

Now you can see if the toilet is occupied through this window. Why haven't we thought of this before?



It works like this too. Why should I open it?

Dumb old door

Dumb old door

Next time don't get confused when looking at a dumb old door.

Watch out for the door

Watch out for the door

One downside to keeping every window perfectly clean.

Pull and push

Pull and push

This is why there is always a line of confused people staring at this door.

Please disturb

Please disturb

Forever alone guy wants to be disturbed any time possible.

Exit and enter only

Exit and enter only

What could someone possibly do with a door other than enter and exit?

Door closed

Door closed

The bees have set up camp here so we won't disturb them.

Infidels and outfidels

Infidels and outfidels

You are not an infidel? Then out with you!

Must open the door

Must open the door

I've seen them do it so why doesn't it work for me?