funny pics and images updated daily

Before Instagram

Before Instagram

Okay, now that's quite a mindblow... WOAH!



I do the ouchy-bleedy, you won't really like it, I assure you.

You silly

You silly

Hihihihi, you silly. Hihihihi, you are sooooo silly, soo so so silly.

Cone of happiness

Cone of happiness

I guess the dog was quite happy after all.

Brain fart

Brain fart

Funny, though it's sad that a lot of people have brain farts. UGH.



I must admit it, this is quite brilliant. Anti-theft system, works, definitely works.

Watch out

Watch out

Trespassers will be eaten by zombies. WATCH OUT!

Not my cat

Not my cat

Oh no... this is definitely not my cat. No, no.

Trust nowadays

Trust nowadays

If I trust the bank with my money, why aren't they trusting me with their pens? HUH?

Diet starts next week

Diet starts next week

Don't worry, keep calm, diet starts next week. Well, I hope so.