funny pics and images updated daily

Grandparents Cats

Grandparents Cats

Never thought there were grandparents cats? Well, there you go, they do exist.

Your fault

Your fault

It's your fault we're here. Nah, your fault. NO, YOUR FAULT!

Week evolution

Week evolution

This is me... every single week....... Hah, it's quite exciting.

Story of my life

Story of my life

I just found the story of my life... Long story short.

New pick-up line

New pick-up line

I was really wondering, no more new pick-up lines? Oh well, we're saved!

Happy hamster

Happy hamster

Now that's what I call a happy hamster. See that smile? He really is happy!



He finally found himself... Therapy went good.



Coffee and some wise words, blah blah, espresso yourself!

A real marketable skill

A real marketable skill

Indeed, dealing with stupid people is a skill, a great skill.

Types of rock

Types of rock

Another way of getting A at geology probably. Won't try it, though.