So... if you aren't supposed to abuse of cough syrup why does it came with a shot glass? Bill Murray... Bill Murray...
You are really really really mean cookies. Bad cookies, bad!
And then the police said Pullover! And then I said, actually it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing. KNOCK-OUT!
We will solve this like gentlemen. I will come down when you will be calm.
Hah, who would've thought? A piano player. A cat piano player!
If you have a duckface, then you need this. FAST.
The ninja turtle is here, beware people, be careful! VERY CAREFUL!
So.. come back with a warrant. I really need to get a doormat like this one.
Such a revelation... a bag of chips full of air, cool.
He hasn't showed up since the study was done. Autch.