funny pics and images updated daily

Old TV

Old TV

At least we found a use for this old guy. Nothing is more stable than a 60 pound TV box.

Hockey stick

Hockey stick

Be prepared to play hockey. No matter who, no matter when. We are prepared.

POP Station

POP Station

Get this new Chinese portable game console. It's almost as good as the latest PSP.

Escaped bug

Escaped bug

Looks like the bug escaped. We are doomed.

Banana car

Banana car

What could be more fun than driving your own banana?

A pawn's ego

A pawn's ego

This little guy sure has a huge ego. One day perhaps he will be king.

First world problems

First world problems

I really hope they don't break in to use my WiFi.

Throwing missiles

Throwing missiles

Just make sure you launch the missiles. Throwing them is strictly forbidden.

Follow me

Follow me

And remember to bring beer. Always bring beer no matter what.

Are you pregnant

Are you pregnant

The bottom line is: never ask a woman if she is pregnant. It's either obvious or she's just fat.