funny pics and images updated daily

Feel the balls

Feel the balls

It's all about context, people. No naughty pictures for you today.

Where am I?

Where am I?

This isn't what I wanted to see. Where did they take me?

Grandma's remote

Grandma's remote

She always complained about her complicated remote controls so I fixed everything for her.

Perfect boys

Perfect boys

Well, they did say perfect boys exist in books so here I am.

Shower murder

Shower murder

I got to get myself one of those bath curtains.

When I can't hear someone

When I can't hear someone

Admit it, you also do this when you can't hear someone.

Fixed mirror

Fixed mirror

Take a look at the awesome job this guy did with the duct tape.

Safe transport

Safe transport

Got no ropes, no harness, no nothing. At least I got my hands.

Rewind tape

Rewind tape

Just make sure you rewind this disc after using it. Out of courtesy for the next customer.

Master parking

Master parking

Sometimes I wonder how dad managed to park here.