funny pics and images updated daily

Lies and fish

Lies and fish

My eye hurts

My eye hurts

Get your toothbrush out of my eye immediately, you sick bastard!

The messiest urinal

The messiest urinal

Like seriously, have you even tried taking a piss into one of these? It just goes all over the place.



My new cat came with charging status LEDs. Now I now exactly when it's charged.

Grandma reading

Grandma reading

This sign is so mysterious. It does not make any sense to me.

No butts

No butts

That's the way to tease the police.

You sing horribly

You sing horribly

Now what am I supposed to do in the shower if I can't sing?

Flushing logs

Flushing logs

Somehow I don't believe that will simply flush. But that's just me.

Special parking spot

Special parking spot

I know you didn't manage to park correctly so I've made you a special slot.

Pickup line

Pickup line

I don't know, I seem not to like this pickup line so much.