funny pics and images updated daily

Banana package fail

Banana package fail

I refuse to accept that a straight banana exists and if it did, it is not something I would consider eating.

Dual handed hammer

Dual handed hammer

For people who are too weak to hold a hammer with a single hand, there is the dual handed hammer option.

Bike stop

Bike stop

These brick layers really hate cyclists.

Sushi Pizza

Sushi Pizza

Let's go for a healthier option of the Friday pizza this time, shall we?

Italy made in China

Italy made in China

I got the issue with the Dolce & Gabbana branding that is copyrighted, but was Italy that hard to properly hit?

Don't double stack

Don't double stack

Just imagine all the hardships that you package needs to withstand until arriving at your doorstep.

Problem or not

Problem or not

If you can read it, then we are probably upside down.

Not this knob

Not this knob

The clear way of saying that you should not turn this knob.

Money or Solitaire

Money or Solitaire

I wanted to get some cash, but stayed longer for the game.

Manhole misalignment

Manhole misalignment

My OCD is tingling right about now.