funny pics and images updated daily

George Orwell's home

George Orwell's home

We have to keep this house under surveillance at all times. Have no fear, big brother watches over Orwell.

Flour print

Flour print

I would really want to know what happens back there, in the kitchen.

Self walking dog

Self walking dog

I got to get a dog like this. Just imagine how many hours of walking in the park I would save.

Food pics

Food pics

A small danger of taking pics of all the food you eat. At least the iPhone is now extremely tasty.



True vegan

True vegan

Plot twist: there is a NOT on the other side of his hand.

Bad times to die

Bad times to die

You think death is amusing? You may be right in these circumstances.

Fire procedures

Fire procedures

Sure, I will leave the building. But first, let me take a selfie!

5000 banana elevator

5000 banana elevator

Good thing this elevator was designed to bear a full horse. Otherwise how could I bring my own to the top floor?

A little muddy

A little muddy

Nice camouflage, Carl. Where did you get it from?